A credit report is a detailed report of an individual's credit history prepared by a registered Credit Bureau.
Where can I get a credit report?
Obtaining a credit report differs in each country. We've listed some links below to help you. If any of these options are no longer available, please visit your local bank for guidance.
What if I've never taken out credit before?
Even if you've never taken out any credit before you will still be able to retrieve a form of confirmation from your credit bureau agency that you do not have any credit history.
Your credit bureau agency will provide you with a document/email/screenshot illustrating that you do not have any credit history, which is all we need to know.
The document/email/screenshot must meet the following requirements:
- Your name must be visible
- The name, logo, letterhead, or email address from the institute must be visible
- The document/email/screenshot must not be older than 90 days from the date it is submitted in your application and the date must be visible
- The document/email/screenshot must be in a non-editable format such as PDF, JPEG, PNG, or JPG
- Confirm that you do not have any credit history
Note the following:
- If the report shows late payments or delinquent accounts, please provide an explanation of each occurrence or instance.
- If the report is incorrect, please reach out to your Credit Bureau to get an updated or corrected version.
You are welcome to email us at info@prodigyfinance.com for additional support.
Country | Credit Bureau Links |
Afghanistan | Please contact Da Afghanistan Bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Albania | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report, refer to the 'How to apply for the Borrower's Report' section for the 'how to' https://www.bankofalbania.org/Supervision/Credit_Registry/Borrower_s_Report/ |
Algeria | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
American Samoa | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Andorra | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Angola | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Antigua and Barbuda | http://www.ccbl.info.tt/Caribbean/credit-inquiry/ |
Argentina |
https://www.veraz.com.ar/ECOMMERCE/individuos.ecom or or |
Armenia | http://www.acra.am |
Aruba | http://www.ccbl.info.tt/Caribbean/credit-inquiry/ |
Australia |
Https://www.experian.com.au/order-credit-report-form or https://www.equifax.com.au/personal/products/equifax-credit-report or |
Azerbaijan | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Bahamas | http://www.ccbl.info.tt/Caribbean/credit-inquiry/ |
Bahrain | https://benefit.bh/personal/bcrb/ |
Bangladesh | Please contact your bank and obtain 3 months transactional bank statements |
Barbados | http://www.ccbl.info.tt/Caribbean/credit-inquiry/ |
Belarus | https://creditregister.by/ |
Belgium | https://www.nbb.be/en/faq/how-can-i-consult-data-central-register |
Belize | http://www.ccbl.info.tt/Caribbean/credit-inquiry/ |
Benin | https://uemoa.creditinfo.com/en/contact-us/ - send an email to: ciwa.infos@creditinfo.com for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report. Please request for Creditinfo Report Plus |
Bermuda | Http://www.ccbl.info.tt/Caribbean/credit-inquiry/ - Visit any surepay location |
Bhutan | https://www.cib.bt/ProductAndServices/Consumer.aspx |
Bolivia |
https://www.infocenter.com.bo/web_publico/public/ or |
Bonaire | https://caribbeancreditbureau.com/persons/ |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | www.lrcbh.com |
Botswana |
or https://www.transunionafrica.com/botswana Contact 390 3535 or visit your nearest post office with original proof of identification to obtain your credit bureau report from TransUnion |
Brazil |
https://www.serasa.com.br/cadastro-positivo/ 1. Go to the main page https://www.serasa.com.br/ (not to https://www.serasa.com.br/cadastro-positivo/)
https://www.quod.com.br/para-voce Please make sure that your name and CPF number is available on the report |
Brunei |
https://www.bdcb.gov.bn/birokredit/self-inquiry-report-(sir)/obtaining-self-inquiry-report Request for the credit bureau report at the customer service office |
Bulgaria | https://www.creditreform.bg/en/home.html |
Burkina Faso |
https://uemoa.creditinfo.com/en/contact-us/ - send an email to: ciwa.infos@creditinfo.com for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report. Please request for Creditinfo Report Plus |
Burundi | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Cambodia | https://www.creditbureau.com.kh/ |
Cameroon | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Canada |
https://www.consumer.equifax.ca/personal/ or When obtaining a Transunion report, ensure that its a credit consumer disclosure report as that report includes credit history |
Cayman Islands | https://www.cincb.ky/ |
Central African Republic | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Chile |
https://soluciones.equifax.cl/personas/productos/informe-dicom-platinum/ or Obtain your credit bureau report from Equifax branches throughout the country |
China | http://www.pbccrc.org.cn/crc/ |
Colombia |
https://tuactividaddecredito.transunion.co/CreditView/login.page?enterprise=TUCO or |
Comoros | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Cook Islands | https://cicreditbureau.com/services/ |
Costa Rica | https://www.equifax.co.cr/personas |
Cote d'Ivoire | Reach out to Creditinfo VoLo who will be able to take you through the process to obtain your credit report. Email: infos@bic-uemoa.com Contact nr: +22520225635 |
Croatia | https://www.hrok.hr/ |
Cyprus |
or |
Czech Republic |
or |
Denmark | https://www.experian.dk/ |
Djibouti | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Dominica | http://www.ccbl.info.tt/Caribbean/credit-inquiry/ |
Dominican Republic |
or |
Democratic Republic of Congo | Please contact your bank and obtain 3 months transactional bank statements |
Ecuador | https://www.equifax.com.ec/miscreditos/index |
Egypt | https://www.i-score.com.eg/ar/information-for-individuals/home/ |
El Salvador |
https://www.equifax.sv/personas or |
Estonia | https://www.creditinfo.ee/products-services/eraisiku-krediidireiting/ |
Faroe Islands | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Fiji | Please contact your bank and obtain 3 months transactional bank statements |
Finland |
https://www.asiakastieto.fi/omatieto/en/tuotteet/minun-luottotietoni or https://finland.bisnode.fi/yritys-ja-henkiloluottotietojen-tietosisaltokuvaukset/ |
France | Please contact Bank De Franc for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
French Guiana | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
French Polynesia | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Gabon | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Georgia | https://ge.creditinfo.com/ |
Germany | https://www.meineschufa.de/index.php |
Ghana |
or |
Gibraltar | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Greece | http://www.teiresias.gr/ |
Greenland | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Guadeloupe | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Guam | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Guatemala |
https://www.sib.gob.gt/web/sib/atencion-al-usuario/record-crediticio |
Guernsey | http://www.cidsltd.com/creditcheck.html |
Guinea | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Guyana | https://gy.creditinfo.com/credit-reports/ |
Haiti | Please contact Bank of the Republic of Haiti for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Honduras |
or |
Hong Kong | https://www.transunion.hk/zh/ |
Hungary | https://bisz.hu/en/homepage/ |
Iceland | https://www.creditinfo.is/ |
India |
Please obtain your credit bureau report from Experian or Cibil https://www.experian.in/consumer-reports or |
Indonesia |
https://www.idscore.id/pribadi or https://www.ojk.go.id/id/kanal/perbankan/Pages/Sistem-Layanan-Informasi-Keuangan-SLIK.aspx or https://www.kbij.co.id/en/consumer-credit/obtain-your-credit-report-1 |
Iran | https://www.creditscoring.ir/portal/home/ |
Ireland | |
Isle of Man | http://www.cidsltd.com/creditcheck.html |
Israel |
https://www.dbisrael.co.il/en/ or https://www.bdicoface.co.il/consumer-credit/personal-credit-report/ |
Italy | http://www.infocomas.com/Credit_Report/purchase_of_Individual_report.asp?NumServ=159 |
Jamaica | https://jm.creditinfo.com/ |
Japan |
or |
Jersey | http://www.cidsltd.com/creditcheck.html |
Jordan | https://www.crif.jo/AR/Pages/%D8%AE%D8%AF%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AF#report |
Kazakhstan |
or |
Kenya |
http://www.metropol.co.ke/crystobol/ or https://www.transunionafrica.com/ or |
Korea, South |
https://www.nicecredit.co.kr/nicecredit/main.cb or http://www.mycredit.co.kr/mycredit_b.html or |
Kuwait | https://www.cinet.com.kw/ |
Kyrgyztan | http://www.ishenim.kg/en/Page/History |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Latvia | https://www.kib.lv/individuals/about-us/ |
Lebanon | https://masri.com.lb/products/creditInfo |
Lesotho | https://compuscan.co.ls/ |
Liberia | Please contact the Central Bank of Liberia for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Liechtenstein |
or https://www.zek.ch/de-ch/kredit-leasingnehmer/eintrage-zu-meiner-person |
Lithuania | https://www.manocreditinfo.lt/Paslaugos/asmenine-kredito-istorija |
Luxembourg | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Macedonia | https://mkb.mk/ |
Madagascar | https://www.crif.mg/espace-consommateurs/obtenir-une-copie-de-votre-rapport-de-solvabilit%C3%A9 |
Malaysia |
or https://www.mycreditinfo.com.my/ or |
Mali |
https://uemoa.creditinfo.com/en/contact-us/ - send an email to: ciwa.infos@creditinfo.com for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report. Please request for Creditinfo Report Plus |
Malta |
or |
Marshall Islands | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Martinique | http://www.ccbl.info.tt/Caribbean/credit-inquiry/ |
Mauritania | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Mauritius | Contact MCIB (Mauritius Credit Information Bureau), but you have to personally call the MCIB and make a formal request with regards to instructions on 'how to obtain credit bureau report |
Mayotte | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Mexico |
https://www.circulodecredito.com.mx/ OR Telephone call: either to Buró de Crédito, from anywhere in the Republic at (55) 5449 4954 without long distance cost or at 800 640 7920, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Or to Círculo de Crédito, at (55) 5166 2455 and toll free long distance at 01 800 888 247 2856.
By email : fill out the online application on https://www.circulodecredito.com.mx / and send an email to servicio.clientes@burodecredito.com.mx or atencion.clientes@circulodecredito.com.mx . |
Monaco |
Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Mongolia | Please contact your bank and obtain 3 months transactional bank statements |
Montenegro | https://www.cbcg.me/en/core-functions/supervision/credit-registry - Please contact the central bank of Montenegro for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Morocco |
or |
Mozambique | Please contact your bank and obtain 3 months transactional bank statements |
Myanmar | https://creditbureau.com.mm/ |
Nepal | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Netherlands | https://www.experian.nl/ |
New Caledonia | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
New Zealand |
Https://www.mycreditfile.co.nz/ or https://www.creditcheck.illion.co.nz/ or |
Nicaragua |
https://www.transunioncentralamerica.com/ Visit your local TransUnion customer service office to obtain your credit bureau report |
Niger |
https://uemoa.creditinfo.com/en/contact-us/ - send an email to: ciwa.infos@creditinfo.com for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report. Please request for Creditinfo Report Plus |
Nigeria |
https://firstcentralcreditbureau.com/x-score-consumer-detailed-report/ https://www.crccreditbureau.com/product/crc-score-individual The report/s provided must include the credit score as well as the transaction history |
Norfolk Island | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Northern Mariana Islands | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Norway | https://www.experian.no/ |
Oman | https://malaa.gov.om/en/contact-us/credit-report-request-service/ |
Pakistan |
http://www.sbp.org.pk/ecib/about.htm or https://datacheck.com.pk/my-credit-report/ or |
Panama |
Paraguay | https://www.informconf.com.py/index.php |
Peru |
or |
Philippines |
https://cibiapp.cibi.com.ph/#/login or https://www.creditinfo.gov.ph/get-your-credit-report or https://solutions.transunion.com/international/philippines/personal-credit-report/?=undefined |
Poland | https://www.bik.pl/ |
Portugal |
or |
Puerto Rico | https://www.transunion.com/ |
Qatar | https://www.cb.gov.qa/ |
Romania | https://www.birouldecredit.ro/ |
Russia |
Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Rwanda | https://www.transunionafrica.com/rwanda |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
San Marino | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Sao Tome and Principe | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Saudi Arabia | https://www.simah.com/en/products/pages/simati.aspx |
Senegal |
https://uemoa.creditinfo.com/en/contact-us/- send an email to: ciwa.infos@creditinfo.com for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report. Please request for Creditinfo Report Plus |
Serbia | https://www.ubs-asb.com/en/about-us/credit-bureau/credit-bureau-report The request for withdrawing a report may be filed by the citizens at the banks’ counters or on the premises of the ASB Credit Bureau. The citizens can choose the manner of report delivery (by e-mail, by post, by telefax), or they can collect their reports personally at the Credit Bureau. |
Singapore |
https://www.experian.com.sg/consumer-services or |
Slovakia |
or |
Slovenia | |
South Africa |
or select the 'GET A REPORT FOR ME' option in the credit report task on your dashboard |
Spain | |
Sri Lanka | https://www.crib.lk/index.php/en/ |
Suriname | https://ccbs.sr/consumenten/ |
Sweden | https://www.uc.se/ |
Switzerland |
Https://www.zek.ch/de-ch/kredit-leasingnehmer/eintrage-zu-meiner-person or https://www.iko-info.ch/fr-ch/preneurs-de-credit-et-de-leasing/donnees-sur-ma-personne |
Taiwan | https://www.jcic.org.tw/main_ch/index.aspx |
Tajikistan | https://cibt.tj/en/services/consumers |
Tanzania |
https://tz.creditinfo.com/individual-solutions/ or |
Thailand | https://www.ncb.co.th |
Trinidad and Tobago |
http://www.transunion.co.tt/ - make an appointment to visit the TransUnion office to obtain your credit bureau report |
Tunisia | Please contact the Central bank of Tunisia to obtain your credit bureau report |
Turkey | https://www.findeks.com/ |
Uganda |
or |
Ukraine |
or https://credithistory.com.ua/ua/ or |
United Arab Emirates | https://etihadbureau.ae/ |
United Kingdom | https://www.experian.co.uk/ OR select the 'GET A REPORT FOR ME' option in the credit report task on your dashboard |
United States |
or https://www.transunion.com/or select the 'GET A REPORT FOR ME' option in the credit report task on your dashboard |
Uruguay |
https://www.equifax.uy/personales or https://www.infocred.com.uy/infocredv2/modules/home/home.php |
Uzbekistan | https://www.infokredit.uz/ |
Venezuela | http://www.sudeban.gob.ve/index.php/oac_sicri/ |
Vietnam |
or |
Virgin Islands | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Wallis and Futuna | Please contact your bank for instructions on how to obtain your credit bureau report |
Zambia | https://www.transunionafrica.com/zambia |
Zimbabwe |
http://www.fcbureau.co.zw/services.html or |
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